Twitter’s influence during the 2017 UK General Election

Based on total retweets and likes, here are the top 5 Influencers during the recently held UK elections, dominated by Labour.

1. @JeremyCorbyn
2. @ToryFibs
3. @OwenJones84
4. @davidschneider
5. @uklabour

Word Clouds

These are the top 50 terms used by the Conservative and Labour parties. What does it say about the messaging by the two campaigns?


Top Influencers based on volume of influential tweets

Here are the top 5 influencers: 

1. @Conservatives
2. @TheSNP
3. @LibDemPress
4. @MirrorPolitics
5. @JeremyCorbyn


These insights were published by PoliticsUKTD, one of the Twitter accounts powered by Tweetsdistilled, Lissted’s unique real time Twitter curation application. The application became dormant in February, but was revived  when the snap UK General Election was announced.


These results were based on the tweets of thousands of the top influencers in UK Politics. During the campaign period these influencers tweeted over 3 million times, including retweeting and replying to over 200,000 other accounts.

Out of the 3 million tweets, over 27,000 (around 500-600 per day) were rated of high significance. Based on an analysis of key terms used over 14,000 tweets from 2,756 different Twitter accounts were assessed as directly or indirectly related to the campaign. Between them these tweets were retweeted or liked over 21.2 million times.

The original content can be found on Lissted.


