In my experience, “silly season” can be a great media coverage opportunity. Silly season is normally, around August -towards the latter part of the summer. It’s the school summer holidays and in most parts of Europe, things tend to slow down in work places, including news rooms. Yes, the 24/7 newsroom needs a break too. Not by choice, but because most of the regular news sources and speakers tend to go away at this time too.
I guess it’s called silly because that’s when you find more ‘light-hearted’ stories in the news. Most people consider this a lull. Nope, never a lull moment for a PR professional. We call this lull, OPPORTUNITY.
Less activity and resources mean that journalists can sometimes be more receptive to stories they usually will not cover. Broadcast media needs to fill airtime and newspapers need to fill spaces, so if you present something juicy at this time, you’re likely to get some coverage.
Even though it’s a silly season, you’d be with a greater chance of getting media attention if your story has the main elements of a good story–relevance, timely and newsworthy etc.
Have you heard of “silly season?” Let’s know how you get by during this period. If you’d like to know more about securing media coverage, then send us an email or give us a call.